Concrete Parking
Parking Lot Design Assistance—The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) provides comprehensive concrete parking lot design recommendations including jointing plans intended for designers and specifiers not familiar with concrete parking lots. CLICK HERE.
Project & Planning Assistance-- If you’re a commercial owner, builder, developer, architect or engineer, we invite you to get free project and planning assistance from the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) and our network of trade association partners across North America. CLICK HERE.
NRMCA Standard Specification for Materials and Construction of Jointed Unreinforced Concrete Pavement Parking Lots—NRMCA has developed this reference specification for use by owners to define material and construction requirements, criteria, and expectations of material suppliers and construction contractors. CLICK HERE to download a free copy to your computer. (Word doc.)
NRMCA's ConcreteAnswers.org offers free project and planning assistance. If you’re a commercial owner, builder, developer, architect or engineer, CLICK HERE to apply. Or, to review a list of national, regional, state and local organization partners that you may contact directly for information and project assistance, CLICK HERE.
Click Here to quickly and accurately quantify the difference between concrete and asphalt pavements.
Pervious Concrete Contractor Certification Program
Designed to be administered locally by local sponsoring groups in conjunction with planned training sessions or demonstrations of pervious concrete placement.
American Concrete Paving Association (ACPA)
The premier national association representing the concrete pavement industry, with a mission to make Portland cement concrete the material of choice for airport, highway, street, and local road pavements.
A resource to help design professionals make sustainable design a reality through the durability, versatility and energy performance of concrete.
NRMCA's ConcretePromotion.org downloadable promotion photos of concrete parking lots.
Aerial photos of some large scale hospital parking lots in Iowa (pdf).
Publications and Downloads
Keeping Cool with the Albedo Effect (4/2/09 Miller-McCune.com article)
The co-author of A Golden Thread: 2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology takes a look at how white backgrounds—be they snow, concrete or rooftops—might help reverse global warming.
Construction Specifier Magazine Article (pdf)
Downloadable/Printable Brochures
New! Concrete Parking Lot Design & Construction Specifications FAQ (PDF)
Concrete Parking for Engineers (4-page parking lot brochure in pdf)
From NRMCA's Concrete Delivers Series. (Click here to purchase.)
Concrete Parking for Owners (4-page parking lot brochure in pdf)
From NRMCA's Concrete Delivers Series. (Click here to purchase.)
Concrete in Practice (CIP): Pervious Concrete
Concrete Parking Areas—They're GREEN
When it Rains, It Drains (4-page Pervious Concrete brochure)
Freeze-Thaw/Pervious Brochure (17 pages)
Luminance, Illuminance and Concrete Pavement
Publications Available for Purchase
Designing Quality Concrete Parking Areas
NRMCAs Concrete Delivers Series (4-page parking lot brochure for owners and engineers)
Concrete in Practice (CIP): Pervious Concrete
When it Rains, It Drains (4-page Pervious Concrete brochure)
Freeze-Thaw/Pervious Brochure (17 pages)
Pervious Concrete Pavement (NRMCA/PCA Publication)
Pervious Concrete - Combination Package of 3
At no cost, owners, architects and engineers can request up to 5 copies of
When it Rains, It Drains and the two Concrete Delivers brochures.
Just email your request to NRMCA's Jacques Jenkins.
Click here for a comprehensive selection of publications on pervious
concrete and other concrete subjects at the NRMCA e-store.