Benefits of Conventional Concrete Parking
Concrete parking lots offer superior performance compared to pavement alternatives. Incorporating straightforward design and ease of construction, concrete pavement is also the economical choice for the long-term. Because of its strength, durability, and minimal maintenance requirements, concrete parking is like money in the bank.
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Following are some of the most beneficial characteristics of concrete:
Enhanced Safety: Concrete's reflective surface means brighter and safer surroundings for pedestrians and drivers.
Reduced Lighting Costs: With three times the reflectivity of asphalt, concrete parking requires less lighting, reducing costs by up to 30%.
Strength and Durability: No other paving material approaches concrete’s strength and durability in standing up to heavy usage and truck traffic.
Competitive Initial Cost: Without expensive bases and reinforcement, and with integral curbs and gutters, projects can be completed in one pass, more quickly than the alternatives.
Most Economical Over Long Term: Concrete pavement lasts longer, without the need for resurfacing, patching or surface sealing.
Environmentally Friendly: Concrete is produced from abundant natural resources, reduces toxic run-off and can be easily recycled. It is also cooler in the summer which provides outdoor comfort while reducing the “heat island” effect.
Versatility: Concrete can be fashioned with an array of decorative textures, shapes, patterns and colors.
Upscale Appearance: Concrete’s clean look creates a good first impression and lasting sense of quality for customers, tenants and employees.