Cast-in-Place Concrete Parking Structures
Parking Structures
Parking Structures | Advantages | Notable Projects
For decades, cast-in-place concrete parking structures have been successfully constructed and utilized throughout North America. In most cases, a post-tensioned structural system was selected after careful economic studies and comparisons indicated initial or life cycle cost savings. In some cases, the initial costs were comparable to a competitive alternative, but life cycle cost comparisons, or the other tangible advantages discussed below, resulted in the selection of post-tensioned concrete structural frames.
The cast-in-place concrete structural system most commonly used for parking structures is a one-way slab supported on beams. The slabs typically have spans in the range of 17-27 ft. The beams usually have spans in the range of 50-62 ft.
Most parking structures are examples of the beam-and-slab structural system, though two-way flat plates and flat slabs are also used.
Independent statistical analyses of parking structure construction have shown that cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete structural solutions are most often selected. Their prevalence is indicative of the many economical, structural, and practical benefits that they provide.